The ten inches of rain we received over the 4th of July weekend has rejuvenated much of the landscape – and our mosquito population. So, it was at risk to life and limb (and completely soaked in insect repellant) that I ventured outside early this morning in search of blooms.
Thyrallis Galphimia glauca was blooming in my garden on January 27th - and it's still blooming on July 17th. What's not to love! This morning when I took this picture, I didn't even notice saucer full of standing water -
to the left of the chiminea - no wonder I'm fighting mosquitoes!

Dwarf Royal Poinciana or Mexican Bird of Paradise,
Caesalpinia pulcherrina, is filling the Shade Garden with color. The few hummingbirds who have hung around are thankful for the food source.

And our climbing rose, Blaze, has decided to make an encore appearance.

The Angel Wing Begonias,
Begonia coccinea, don't seem to mind the heat. Although unphotographed, the Wax Begonias,
Begonia semperflorens, are also blooming in their pots.

Although it's not a flower - the bloom of Purple Fountain Grass,
Penniselum sataceum 'Rubrum' is as stunning as any blossom.

It was a bit early in the day for Firebush,
Hamelia patens, or Cypress Vine,
Ipomoea quamoclit, to open - so imagine a noon-time explosion of red.

In the cutting beds, the Zinnias and Cosmos are in dire need of dead-heading. But it looks like there's a nice big vase-full to bring inside!

and I love Zinnias, up close and personnal. Look at that detail!

The Cosmos gives me something pretty to look at when I turn the compost -
I need to remember that so maybe I will turn the compost more than once or twice a year. . . .
Blue Porterweed and Mediterranean Fan Palms make a nice combination.

Another blue favorite is Padre Island or Betony Mistflower,
Eupatorium azureum. It color is almost iridescent!

I learned something new about Butterfly Weed,
Asclepias tuberosa, yesterday. They bloom on new growth - so when your's gets leggy and drab, do yourself a favor and cut it back.

Also blooming for month after month is Pato de Chiva. And there are
always butterflies flitting around here.

This is the best this Bougainvillea has looked all summer long. My goal is for it to climb up this sickly Mesquite Tree and hang on a large dead branch. It's pretty from afar - but check out it's close-up below. Wow!

Frangipani has just enough blossoms that we get to enjoy the wonderful fragrance each time we walk by. This plant has outgrown its place and completely overwhelms this small entrance porch - this weekend I'll get it back under control! Anyone need a frangipani start?

Dwarf Crown of Thorn,
Euphorbia milii 'Mini Bell'Wild Olive or Anacahuita,
Cordia boisierri, is gracing us with another flush of blooms. I wish I could take a good picture of white flowers.

I can't believe this pot of impatience still alive! It's growing in the shade of an Angel's Trumpet.
To check out what's blooming in other places, go see
Carol at May Dreams Gardens.
You have lots and lots of cool plants blooming in your garden Mary Beth. I always forget GBBD so never post about it but I enjoyed seeing yours. Glad you got some rain, wishing for some here.
Aren't zinnias the friendliest flowers? :)
~ Monica
I also like the zinnias and always have to a few in my vegetable garden.
Thanks for joining in for bloom day!
Carol, May Dreams Gardens
The Mexican Bird of Paradise is beautiful. How hardy is it? The frangipani is hugh. I don't think I have ever seen one that big.
Always Growing
Hi there Mary Beth,
I'm pretty new on Blotanical, so I haven't checked out your blog before, I'm glad you left me a comment so I could find it! Your blog makes me want to move to Texas, I have such zone envy! I love those huge frangipani trees covered with inflos. Really, you have a ton of wonderful flowers, everything is so beautiful!
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