This month my biggest concerns have been removing the grass from the planting beds and encouraging it to grow and spread in the lawn area. Never-the-less, in spite of me, there is an explosion of flowers here in Paradise.
At the front door you are greeted by this pink and orange bougainvillea. I know it needs a trimming but I can't bring myself to cut a single branch!
Up close, you can see the tiny white flowers, surrounded by the colorful bracts.
This Angel's Trumpet has more blooms on it this evening than I have ever seen - it must like its new home. They open during the night and close a bit during the day.
The delicate bloom of Angel's Trumpets. I moved this one to a protected spot of the garden - one where the wind can't shred the blossoms.

Mexican Mint Marigold - this carefree perennial comes back year after year.

Pato de Chiva or Goat's Hoof is just beginning to bloom. Soon it will be covered in white.

Blaze Rose - this is a climbing rose that I thought was supposed to be vigorous - but I've been disappointed and am considering replacing it next year. First I may add a vine or two around its iron support.
Although it's not a native, I love this Thyrallis (or yellow plumbago) that's growing in the Native Bed - maybe I should rename it the Mainly Native Bed. The plants are a bit leggy but they bloom on new wood so can be pruned at any time of the year.
Remember my "Lasagna Garden Bed"? Here it is one year later! I haven't planted the back section yet. It sits in front of a line of Ixora. I know a taller plant would have been a better choice for this spot than the Ixora - but I can't bring myself to move them. What pretty orange blooms they have! The cosmos in this mixed bed are all volunteers from last year.

Cat's Whiskers, Orthosiphon aristatus, up-close
Wild Olive, Cordia boissieri is also known around here as Anacahuita.
Soft-tip Yucca, Yucca gloriosa

I picked this colorful basket up at one of the big box stores. It wasn't identified - just had a generic plant tag. But this mystery plant looks nearly irridescent. It's the first thing I notice when I step into this area.
White trailing lantana. It seems to shine in the moonlight.

The amaryllis seem to like their new home. They are so tough they'll grow anywhere! In a few years, they will have filled this entire area.

All of the Crown of Thorns are blooming - This is
the large flowering variety, Euphorbia splendens var. milii. We also grow the dwarf variety, 'Mini Bell'.

Here's a close-up. They are only and inch or two long but chocked full of detail.

And yet another bloom from the spineless cactus - this one is fresher - it's pistal is still attached.

Mexican Mint Marigold - this carefree perennial comes back year after year.
Pato de Chiva or Goat's Hoof is just beginning to bloom. Soon it will be covered in white.
Blaze Rose - this is a climbing rose that I thought was supposed to be vigorous - but I've been disappointed and am considering replacing it next year. First I may add a vine or two around its iron support.
Cat's Whiskers, Orthosiphon aristatus, up-close
I picked this colorful basket up at one of the big box stores. It wasn't identified - just had a generic plant tag. But this mystery plant looks nearly irridescent. It's the first thing I notice when I step into this area.
The amaryllis seem to like their new home. They are so tough they'll grow anywhere! In a few years, they will have filled this entire area.
All of the Crown of Thorns are blooming - This is
the large flowering variety, Euphorbia splendens var. milii. We also grow the dwarf variety, 'Mini Bell'.
This Bottlebrush, Callistemon cirtinus is the hummingbird hangout. This is the protected side of the hedge; the wind has already blown many of the blooms off the other side. I hope to find some 'Little John' Bottlebrush in Austin this weekend. Even though it grows well here, no one seems to carry it.
Our spineless cactus has these delicate flowers. They never open but I think they are so beautiful!
Here's a close-up. They are only and inch or two long but chocked full of detail.
And yet another bloom from the spineless cactus - this one is fresher - it's pistal is still attached.
Buttercups are everywhere. I think they're so pretty - but feel compelled to pull many of them out so they don't take over.
Other things blooming in Paradise are Vinca, Nasturtiums, Night Blooming Cactus, Shrimp Plants, Kalanchoe, and Firebush has some buds.
Lovely post and Happy GBBD ~ amazed visiting April in different zones!
Happy GBBD! I've wanted an Angel Trumpet for a couple of years, and I'm going to find a way to get one yet!
Tax Day- yuck- surprised we have any left over for plants.
Wow, Mary Beth, you have a profusion of blooms and they are stunning. Great GBBD for you!
I love to see bougainvilleas placed where they can look kind of wild and free- don't trim it- it is gorgeous. And your Ixora are blooming like crazy- mine were frozen to the ground in January and they don't have a single new leaf on them yet... I'm wondering if they are goners. :-(
Meems @ Hoe and Shovel
oops! left my comment on the wrong day, Mary beth. i meant to leave it on 4/15s blog ;)
Wow, your garden is fulllll of color. Love it!! Happy GBBD.
Mary Beth, I love the color on your spineless cactus and that Brugmansia- my cactus get too much shade, I guess - they stay alive and get a little bigger each year but never bloom.
I haven't grown it myself, but that lovely blue flower looks like something one of my friends recently planted. Do you think could be some form of Lithodora?
Happy Blooming Day,
Annie at the Transplantable Rose
Thanks for all the great planting ideas. I think a lot of what you grow will do well here in Tampa.
I love thryallis, especially when planted in front of plumbago. The blue plumbago blooms make the little yellow thryallis blooms really pop.
I think my itty bitty angel's trumpet trees should meet yours. Maybe it would make them want to grow up? Fast?
I love your blooms! The angel's trumpet is one of my favorites.
You have some plants that I have never heard of such as the goat's foot. The bougainvillea is gorgeous; mine got nipped by the cold and is not even close to blooming.
Always Growing
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