When I looked out the window this morning, this was the breathtaking sight that greeted me! This
Honey Mesquite, Prosopis glandulosa, anchors a dry corner of my yard. I think it must like it there! The pods are eaten by deer, cattle, and lots of smaller animals. Quail and doves feed on the seeds. Mesquites are good shelter and nesting sites. They tend to have a very open, spreading habit. Mesquite wood is used for fence posts, furniture, and barbequeing. This particular tree is exceptionally upright for a Honey Mesquite. Its elegant free-form shape makes it a good ornamental tree in the landscape. Just make sure to give it plenty of space!
Pretty picture, and it sounds like a lovely tree. I'm not too familiar with mesquite, except as wood for smoking brisket, so I enjoyed reading about it as an ornamental tree for the garden.
Awesome photo...of an awesome tree!
It's so stately looking. Looks like it owns the territory.
This is a beautiful tree... I loved your photograph. What a treat to wake up to as beautiful a sight as this!
Absolutely gorgeous photo !
I only wish I had those kind of views. I'm hooked on trees and that kind of presentation in the morning sky .. stunning !
Hi again Mary Beth
I just saw your post on my blog .. thanks ! I wanted to say perhaps you could plant one expecting only that it would be an annual ? .. so not to be disappointed ?.. the scent is truly worth it !
Give it a try ?
It's a great photo! Lucky you, to have such a splendid view! /Katarina
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