The blue flowers are really coming into their own right now.
This was the first time I've planted Salvia 'Victoria Blue'. I'll definitely be looking for it again next spring.
This is Eupatoriam 'Padre Island'. I can't keep all the Eupatoriums straight - this one crawls along the ground and is very salt tolerant.
and finally, blue Porter Weed.
Pato de Chiva

Frangipani, Plumeria obtusa, has got to be the most fragrant plant in my garden.
Bottlebrush, Calistimon rigidus, is blooming for the second time this spring.
Angels Trumpets come out to play when it gets dark.
Louisiana Iris will bloom for months and months and months. Its a great pass-along plant.
Bougainvillea - another tropical that blooms and blooms and blooms!

This is a new Bleeding Heart, Clerodendrum Thomasoniae - I just love the contrast of the white and red.

One branch of my Yucca or Spanish Dagger, Yucca treculeana, waited until May to bloom.

This is a new Bleeding Heart, Clerodendrum Thomasoniae - I just love the contrast of the white and red.
and the vine pictured below was also labeled as a Bleeding Heart - 
Coral Vine, Antigonon leptopus
An easy way to harvest seed from this vigorous growing vine is to place a sheet on the ground under the vine. In a day or two, gather seeds from the sheet.
Firecracker Bush

An easy way to harvest seed from this vigorous growing vine is to place a sheet on the ground under the vine. In a day or two, gather seeds from the sheet.

What a spectacular bunch of blooms. That tree in the first picture is beautiful.
Thanks for joining in for bloom day!
Carol, May Dreams Gardens
Absolutely beautiful. Lots of things I can't grow here. I can grow the Salvia. That variety is somewhat hardy in Oklahoma,and it also sets seed. I love it. Oh, and midsummer, when it gets leggy, I cut it way back, and it covers itself with blooms again. Happy GBBD.~~Dee
Oh my! That Royal Poinciana is absolutely stunning. I wish it could grow here. I have, or I'm familiar with, most all the other plants you've shown, and most all will do well here. They aren't as lush looking as the ones you've shown, but at least they survive.
Wow, I don't think I can grow any of those plants here. Maybe someday I'll garden in a zone for those lovely tropicals.
Mary Beth, a great showing for "bloom day". Your Poinciana is fabulous. I am really partial to the lavender Jacaranda... there are tons of them around this area. Is it possible your joe pye weed is blue porter weed instead? I'm growing some for the first time. Can't leave without mentioning your beautiful Plumeria... it is just luscious.
Meems @Hoe&Shovel
I absolutely covet the bottlebrush tree and the jacaranda, which I once saw in full, glorious purple bloom over the rooftops in San Miguel de Allende.
DEE - So glad to know a little more about Salvia 'Victoria Blue' as this is the first time I've grown it - is it a self-sower too?
CAROL & AIYANA - I must confess that this particular Royal Poinciana is not in my yard - mine is 5 years old and has yet to give me blooms! There are lots of Poincianas blooming in my town right now and I just couldn't not include one!
SHELLY - Tropicals are lots of fun - but I always have to remind myself that one bad freeze and I'll have lots of re-planting to do!
MEEMS - You're right, that is porter weed - it was a pass along from a friend - and the butterflies LOVE it - I wish I had a better picture of the Jacaranda - mine just doesn't do that tree justice.
PAM - Glad you enjoyed our blooming trees - there's so much we can't grow in our alkaline soil - but our flowering trees somewhat make up for that!
It is so nice to see my familiar friends flourishing in your garden too.
I was so happy to visit your "garden" (at least virtually). I think the red and white thing is glory bower, or Clerodendrum thomsoniae. Look at the photo at Logees dot com (try as I might I couldn not get the link to take hold in your comments field w/html, sorry): And thanks for visiting my blog today.
Margaret - Thanks for visiting Cultivating Paradise. I am trying to learn the scientific names of my plants and what a boo-boo I made with that one! If I had just gone back to my garden journal, I could have gotten it right! Thanks for the heads up . . . . . A common name we use in this area is Bleeding Heart, but when I googled 'Bleeding Heart', I only received info on Dicentra spectabilis. Another reason I need to learn scientific names!
Titania - Isn't it amazing that we can live so far apart yet grow the same plants!
SO many beautiful flowers I love them all(-: That tree is exceptionally wonderful. I love the red blooms!!!
Could you please tell me where in south Tx, the royal poinciana is growing to that size in the ground? I live in SE Houston suburb very close to Galveston Bay. I have a couple of these in pots. Have kept them alive now for about 3 or 4 years. They both actually bloomed last year in pots and in my driveway. I was pleasantly surprised. I'm afraid they would not survive in my area in the ground though. Everything I've read says they will not. I do have 3 jacarandas in the ground the tallest of which is about 20 to 25 ft. I grew these from very small seedlings. I also have a floss silk (Chorisia speciosa) in the ground and it is about 20 to 25 ft. tall. It bloomed just a little for the first time last fall. It is about 4 or 5 yrs old. Anyway - just curious about the royal poinciana - but maybe you are quite a bit warmer there than we are (winter I mean).
Best Regards,
STEVE - We live in the Rio Grande Valley and there are LOTS of Royal POinciana trees around. But freezing weather will burn them back some - doesn't seem like it kills them here though. They are relatively fast growing in the ground so replacing them isn't too bad time-wise. Sounds like you have quite the collection of tropical trees!
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