Zinnias, marigolds, and cosmos seed. At the end of the month, you can plant tomatoes and peppers for the fall (but good luck finding the plants ). You can still plant palms and other tropicals - just be sure to water well at planting and deeply once every 5 - 7 days.
Tomatoes (mine have quit setting fruit, but I have a few left to ripen), green beans, okra, and figs
Any dead wood in your trees. Continue to pinch back your poinsettias for lots of flowers next Winter. Trim your basil (and all herbs) so they keep growing well (put basil on top of your sliced garden tomatoes - Yummy!)
With our high temperatures, mow no more than a 1/3 of your grass' height and then let it be. If you mow weekly, the trimmed grass won't even be noticable on your lawn - and it will drop down to the base of the grass quickly adding nutrients to your lawn.
A nice layer of mulch will cool your plants roots and give your landscape a nice finished look. Keep it a couple of inches away from your tree trunks.
Doug Welch's Texas Gardening Almanac It is a wealth of information!

It's getting too hot to work much later than 10 a.m. so sit back and enjoy the fruits of your labor.
We aren't harvesting anything yet here in West Texas. It has been so hot and dry that just growing the plants has been a fight. In the past week we have rain and cooler temperatures so I am hoping that some stuff starts to set some fruits. I'm sure come September/October when temperatures finally stay in the 80s or so we will have more veggies than we know what to do with!
Hi Mary Beth,
Your list may encourage me to find that package of zinnia seeds that I bought but never planted and get them in the ground... it will be interesting to see if they'll bloom.
Still some green tomatoes here, too, but some of the vines look exhausted. Juliet is keeps blooming and setting fruit - small but mighty!
Annie at the Transplantable Rose
SHALA - I always assume that all of south and west Texas is on the same schedule. I'm holding on for the cooler nights of September and October. Right now it's not dropping below 80 overnight.
ANNIE - I have never heard of Juliet! I take it she like our hot weather? We had TEN inches of rain in four days time so my tomatoes are revived (for now). Good luck with the zinnias - and let me know if you get some blooms!
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